Why Do I Have a Wide Nose?
There are a number of different reasons why a nose can be wide. The number one reason is genetics. If your family has wide noses, then most likely you will too. Trauma is another reason your nose may be wide because a hit to the nose can make the nasal bones spread. Finally, ther...
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What Is the Most Attractive Side Profile?
The most attractive side profile for most people is either a straight profile or a profile that has a bit of a scoop. Females tend to prefer a slight scoop over males who go for a straight profile. What it really comes down to though, is personal preference.What is the ideal, pe...
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How Much Does Blepharoplasty Cost In Houston?
The cost of blepharoplasty in Houston depends on the surgeon and whether the procedure is being performed on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Costs can run anywhere from $1,500 up to $5,000, and even up to $6,000, if there are other eyelid procedures being done.How long do blep...
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How Much Is a Facelift in Houston?
The average cost of a facelift in Houston can be between $7,000 and $25,000, depending on the type of facelift that is being performed and whether the procedure is being performed on an inpatient or outpatient basis. There's a lot of different things that can go into the co...
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Does Lip Filler Lift the Corners of the Mouth?
Using filler is my favorite way to lift the corners of the mouth. It only takes a little bit of filler under the corners of the mouth and that support turns your frown upside down by lifting the corners upward.How do you lift the corners of the mouth with fillers? To lift...
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How Long Do Blepharoplasty Scars Take to Heal?
Blepharoplasty scars typically heal really fast, with stitches remaining for seven days. After that, beginning on day eight, it's okay to wear makeup which will cover any redness that may be lingering. Usually at the end of one week my patients are healed to the point where...
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The Ultimate Guide to SMAS Facelifts
A SMAS facelift is a type of facelift where the muscle in the face is lifted to rejuvenate the skin. The SMAS is actually the name of a thin layer of muscle in the face that lies under the skin and fat. Anatomically, you have your skin, then a layer of fat, and then this muscle u...
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How Long Does It Take to Heal from a Mini Facelift?
Typically, it takes about a week to heal from a mini facelift. After about seven days you're safe to go back to work and see friends and family. It really doesn’t take that long to heal from a mini facelift because we’re just lifting the top part of the fac...
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How Can I Reduce My Brow Bone?
The method used to reduce your brow bone depends on your anatomy. Most people have a type 3 forehead, which means that the frontal sinus area is what's contributing to that heavy brow bone. In that case, we contour the bone around it, as well as the front part of that front...
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How to Get Rid of Sagging Jowls?
Before you can get rid of jowls you should know how they're formed. Jowls are the sagging area that you see right along the jawline that droop below the bone. They can become more prominent over time, with some people noticing it more than others. It really depends on your...
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