What Are Hooded Eyes?
Hooded eyes are those eyes with excess skin of the upper lids that are heavy or push down on the lashes, or in some people, come down over the lashes. This can happen due to age and is typically inherited. Take a look at your family. You might be able hooded eyes in your parents...
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What Is the Cost of Hairline Surgery?
The cost of hairline surgery runs between $3000 to $10,000 depending on your geographic location, your surgeon, the number of these surgeries performed by the surgeon, the use of general anesthesia versus IV sedation, and whether the procedure is done in office.How long does hai...
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Can You Make a Cupid’s Bow With Filler?
We can't actually make a Cupid’s bow with filler but we can accentuate it by making it more defined and therefore more visible. Filler is used as a temporary way to augment your features, which means we are defining and making larger wherever filler is inj...
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What Are Rhinoplasty Grafts?
Rhinoplasty grafts are cartilage, bone, or tissue, that is taken from another part of the nose or another location in the body, then placed in the nose for the sake of appearance or function. Most of the time we'll take cartilage from the septum, which is the divider betwee...
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What Is Alar Retraction?
An alar retraction is a lifted alar which is the name for the outer side of the nostril that curves around and attaches to the cheek. In general, alar should attach to the cheek about two millimeters above the midline of the nostril. If it's higher than that, it can cause a...
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What Causes a Nostril to Collapse?
The nostril collapses when it loses its structure. This can be caused by a few different things such as rhinoplasty where the surgeon removes too much cartilage above the nostril. This causes the nostril to become weak and unable to stay open you inhale and exhale because the air...
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How Long Does Earlobe Surgery Take?
Earlobe surgery is a very quick surgery, usually taking about 30 minutes to an hour in the office under local anesthesia.What should I do after earlobe surgery? After earlobe surgery, always follow your surgeon's post-operative instructions. I provide an antibiotic o...
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How Do I Lift My Malar Fat Pad?
The malar fat pad is lifted with an upper-face lift, sometimes called a mid-face lift or a mini facelift. It lifts the part of the cheek between your eye and the jawline. There are minimally invasive lifts, such as the temporal lift, that have been abandoned, or thread lifts, tha...
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Can You See Facelift Scars?
You can't see facelift scars if a facelift is done well, and the incisions are well placed and enclosed. This is a really great question to ask when interviewing surgeons for a facelift. Ask about their technique and where they create their incisions.Is there a way to...
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Can You Inject Filler Into the Philtrum?
Filler can be injected into the philtrum to give a more youthful appearance, but to do that; the filler is actually injected into the philtrum columns that run vertically from the base of the nose to the cupid's bow of the lip. When these columns are pronounced, you can see...
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