
Can You Do Rhinoplasty and Blepharoplasty Together?

A rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty can be performed at the same time. It's something that we do all the time. The best part of doing them together is that you only have one downtime versus a downtime for each procedure separately, and you are only put under general anesthesia...

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Can You Get Multiple Surgeries Done At Once?

We perform multiple surgeries at once all the time. It's very common for facial rejuvenation patients where we perform a facelift with eyelid surgery and/or brow surgery, and we might even throw in a hairline advancement or hair transplant surgery. We do this a lot for gend...

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How Long Do Deep Plane Facelifts Last?

A deep plane facelift lasts about 10 to 15 years, but that doesn't mean in that 10 to 15 years your face is going to go back to the way it was before surgery. What is means is that at the ten to fifteen year mark you might start to see a little bit of sagging along the jaw...

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What Is a Composite Rhinoplasty?

A composite rhinoplasty is a graft that is used during rhinoplasty to bring the nostrils down. The word composite infers that there's more than one element in the graft, such as cartilage, skin, mucosa, etc.Whenever we say composite graft in rhinoplasty, we’re referr...

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What Causes Nasolabial Folds? 

Nasolabial folds are caused by the depletion of fat in the compartments of the mid-face/cheek area that causes the skin to sag and fold over, creating vertical lines that develop between the nose and the mouth, often called smile lines. Age and rapid weight loss are the prime cul...

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What Is a Deep Plane Facelift? 

A deep plane facelift is done by creating an incision and going under the skin to separate the skin and the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) from the attachments that hold it down. Once untethered, we move the whole area, the whole face, and/or the whole neck back up...

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What Is Alar Retraction? 

An alar retraction is a lifted alar which is the name for the outer side of the nostril that curves around and attaches to the cheek. In general, alar should attach to the cheek about two millimeters above the midline of the nostril. If it's higher than that, it can cause a...

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What Causes a Nostril to Collapse?

The nostril collapses when it loses its structure. This can be caused by a few different things such as rhinoplasty where the surgeon removes too much cartilage above the nostril. This causes the nostril to become weak and unable to stay open you inhale and exhale because the air...

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How Long Does Earlobe Surgery Take? 

Earlobe surgery is a very quick surgery, usually taking about 30 minutes to an hour in the office under local anesthesia.What should I do after earlobe surgery? After earlobe surgery, always follow your surgeon's post-operative instructions. I provide an antibiotic o...

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How Do I Lift My Malar Fat Pad? 

The malar fat pad is lifted with an upper-face lift, sometimes called a mid-face lift or a mini facelift. It lifts the part of the cheek between your eye and the jawline. There are minimally invasive lifts, such as the temporal lift, that have been abandoned, or thread lifts, tha...

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