Chin augmentation will allow you to achieve the strong, proportionate chin you’ve always wanted with one straightforward procedure.
What Is Chin Augmentation?
Chin augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to enhance the shape, definition, and prominence of the chin. Surgical chin augmentation involves the use of a customized implant, which is shaped to the preferences of the patient and placed onto the chin through a small, inconspicuous incision. Typically, chin implants consist of a firm silicone shell filled with silicone gel.
Chin augmentation is a popular procedure for both men and women. Typically, men who undergo the surgery are looking to achieve a more prominent and masculine chin. Women who undergo chin augmentation usually seek improved facial proportions, symmetry, and a more balanced profile appearance.
When performing chin augmentation in Houston, Dr. Sturm works closely with the patient to determine the ideal size and shape for the chin implant. This is based on the individual’s aesthetic goals as well as their existing facial structure and proportions.