The cost of chin augmentation depends on the type of procedure involved. The chin can be augmented in three ways; dermal fillers, fat transfer, or implants, each with different costs associated with them. Here’s a quick guide.Close Up of Dr Sturm Sitting in the Lobby Looking Camera Right

How much do chin implants cost?

The cost of chin implants vary by region and physician. In Houston, a chin implant can run anywhere from $3500 to $5000. Factors that affect cost are the type of implant used, the type of anesthesia (whether local, IV or general), and the surgeon.

How much do chin fillers cost?

The cost of chin filler varies depending on the type of filler and quantity used. Some fillers cost more but require fewer syringes and last longer, while other fillers cost less, are thinner, but better suited for the type of projection desired. It really depends on your goals, your anatomy, and the filler we use. Filler costs range from $600 to $1200 per syringe with hyaluronic acid fillers such as  Juvederm Voluma offering the longest lasting option. The advantage to these fillers is that they are able to be dissolved. Radiesse is another option that gives good projection but is not reversible. With this type of filler it is even more essential to choose a very skilled and experienced physician.

Should I get chin implants or filler?

I can’t tell you whether to get chin implants or filler, but I can recommend which option better suits your face and goals when we meet for a consultation. Chin augmentation with filler is the least invasive with no downtime outside of some soreness, slight swelling and mild bruising, both of which typically subside in a few days to a week. Any bruising is easily covered by makeup. It is also the least expensive option. To be able to get enough projection, a thicker filler is necessary, such as Juvederm Voluma or Restylane Lyft. Radiesse is another option and works particularly well when building volume on bone, however it is not reversible whereas hyaluronic acid fillers, such as Juvederm or Restylane products, are easily dissolved. These are key points to keep in mind when making your decision. The procedure is done by applying a numbing cream and then injecting the dermal filler to create projection.

Can I get fat transfer injections for chin augmentation?

Another option is the injection of your own fat. A fat transfer is more invasive than dermal fillers in that liposuction is required to harvest the fat and there can be considerable swelling after the procedure for a few weeks. It is done under sedation with a local anesthetic or under general anesthesia to keep the patient comfortable.  The fat is harvested with liposuction of the abdomen, thighs, or hips. That fat is then used as filler to augment the chin.  The amount of fat that survives varies between surgeon, technique and patient.  So, if you are interested in fat transfer, it is important to have a surgeon that performs this regularly and can give you an estimate of how much fat they think will survive, but remember it is only an estimate.  Often surgeons overfill a bit to ensure that the patients get their desired outcome. These fat cells are permanent unless the patient experiences any major weight loss. Practically, I usually see that the fat persists for about 10 years. There is soreness, bruising and swelling from the harvested site, as well as in the chin.  Since the fat is deposited in multiple levels, including the dermis and muscle, you may see some unevenness or lumps that should resolve with time.

Can I get a chin implant?

Augmentation with a chin implant is a surgical procedure.  The downtime is only about 5 days and pain have mild discomfort and swelling.  I apply tape on the chin to minimize swelling for the first 5 days.  Some people may have bruising, but many do not.  There is some swelling, but not that other people notice.  So many people can return to work after day 5.  The procedure is done on an outpatient basis and you can go home after the surgery.  It can be performed through the mouth, resulting in no scars, or a very fine incision under the chin that tends to heal very well.  This is done either under IV or general anesthesia.  The incision is made either in the mouth or under the chin and a small pocket is created for the implant.  Most implants are made of biocompatible silicone that fit snugly over the chin bone and come in different sizes, depending on how much projection is desired. The procedure is quick and takes about an hour to perform. Most patients return to work within a week and any pain experienced is easily managed with ice and pain medication. You will need to keep your head elevated and avoid sleeping on your face for the first 2 weeks following surgery. Strenuous activity should be avoided for about two weeks. Chin implants are permanent, but can be removed or replaced upon patient request. 

Do chin implants change your smile?

Chin implants will not change your smile if done by an experienced physician. You may feel that your lower lip and chin is tight for a week and up to 4 weeks, but this resolves as the swelling resolves and your tissue becomes accustomed to the implant. The implant will form to your natural chin bone and your skin will move over it as it would your original anatomy.

Do I need a plastic surgeon near me? 

If you’re in the Houston area and interested in chin augmentation, come in for a consultation so I can give you the best options for your desired result. It’s always best to have the procedure done by a board certified facial plastic surgeon. I’m one of the most highly decorated plastic surgeons in Texas, known internationally for my work and research in facial aesthetic procedures. I’ve had patients fly in from all over the country to have me perform their cosmetic procedures. Please reach out to me by contacting my office to learn how I can help you to breathe better and to attain a higher quality of life.

Have questions? I’d sincerely love to hear from you.

Call me at (281) 336-9300

Read More

What Is the Best Juvederm for Lips?
The Ultimate Guide to Soft Tissue Fillers
The Truth About Juvederm

About Dr. Angela Sturm

Dr. Angela Sturm is a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon with certifications with the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery and the American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery. Dr. Sturm’s meticulous nature makes for exceptional results and satisfied patients. Dr. Sturm was named Texas Monthly’s Super Doctors Rising Star in 2016-2017, Texas Monthly’s Super Doctor in 2018-2019, H Texas Magazine’s Top Doc in 2013-2018, Top Doc by Houstonia Magazine in 2016-2018, Houston Business Journal’s People on the Move and 40 under 40, Blazing Star Award by Texas Women’s Chamber of Commerce, Top Women in Business, one of the Top 30 Influential Women of Houston, Best Female Cosmetic Surgeon in Out Smart, and given the Patient’s Choice Award, On Time Doctor Award and Compassionate Doctor Award by

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