
What Is a Septoplasty Turbinate Reduction?

A septoplasty is a surgery in which we straighten a deviated septum. The septum is the divider between the two sides of your nose that's made up of cartilage and bone. It can become bent to one side or another making it harder to breathe out of the resulting narrow nostril...

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What Is Considered a Bad Nose Job?

Whether a nose job is good or bad is very subjective and based on individual opinion. What one person may consider a bad nose job, someone else may not. There's a lot that goes into a nose job and the results revolve around two main factors; form and function. Here’s...

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How Long Does a SMAS Facelift Last?

A SMAS facelift can last 10 to 15 years. SMAS stands for sub muscular aponeurotic system, which is a very thin layer of muscle. Under your skin you have fat and under that is a layer of muscle. Those muscles control your smiling, laughing, and moving your face. These muscles...

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Is It Worth Getting Cheek Fillers?

It's worth getting cheek fillers if you’re looking to add more volume to your cheeks or if, over time, you’ve noticed some shadowing under your cheeks. Cheek fillers are a great way to replace volume or add more volume to give you a more youthful, more rested an...

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What Is a Jowl Lift?

A jowl lift is another term for a facelift. It is often recommended when the jowl, which is the the area along the front of the jawline, becomes fuller or a little droopy over time. What we do is lift that area up, making the jawline really nice and straight. The terms facel...

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What Is a Good Age for Blepharoplasty?

The best age for a blepharoplasty depends on genetics. Changes to your upper and lower eyelids generally follow the same path as your mom, dad, or grandma's eyelids. When you look at these family members, you should be able to tell whose eyes look most like yours. In some f...

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Is Revision Rhinoplasty More Painful?

Revision rhinoplasty is not too painful since we are usually not moving as many things around as in your first rhinoplasty. However, revision rhinoplasty encompasses a very wide range of procedures, from making small changes to the tip to fixing a small bump to completely revisin...

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What Is a Mini Facelift?

A mini facelift lifts the lower part of the face, between your cheekbones and your jawline. This improves the appearance of your cheeks, marionette lines, jawline, nasolabial folds and the chin area directly under your mouth. A mini facelift goes by a number of different names, s...

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The Pros and Cons of Deviated Septum Surgery

To cover the pros and cons of deviated septum surgery, we should first define the term septum. Your septum is a structure that's located on the inside of your nose that divides the two sides. It’s made of cartilage in front and bone in the back. When we say that it&rs...

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How Long Does Blepharoplasty Last?

To answer the question on how long a blepharoplasty lasts, we need to first define blepharoplasty. Most people call it an eye lift and that's exactly what it is. You can have an upper or lower blepharoplasty. In an upper blepharoplasty we remove the extra skin above your ey...

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